
The rider is a 20-something Filipino that rides a Honda Wave 125cc underbone. He knows little about motorcycles yet loves the experience going places on two wheels.


Rider Ako is a motorcycle-slash-travel blog. The rider not only shares to you travel destinations and what to see there but also the experience of getting there. You will read about the thrills and adventure when he rides solo, the romance of riding in tandem, the camaraderie riding with a group, the excitement participating in events, and anything that he thinks you might find interesting.When he’s broke and the fuel’s empty, he will share stories about motorcycling how he sees it through his helmet visor.

You can follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/riderako
Or, like his page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riderakotravelblog

27 Responses to About

  1. bikermonkey says:

    Thank you for stopping by BikerMonkeyBlog.com and following! I love your “About” and can’t wait to read your stories my friend. Ride Safe. BikerMonkey

  2. Hi Doms, thanks for dropping by Traveling-up.com. It’s always nice to hear from fellow riders & it seems you’re from Bicol as well (my hometown is Naga City). Just checked out your Igorot on Board posts. I agree that it was really difficult to focus on driving on with the awesome landscape heading up Sagada. More power to your blog and stay safe on the road 🙂

  3. Hola, Doms, followed you for your unique About page! haha. Love the idea of hearing travel stories from a rider’s visor! Must be pretty darn close to the truth and the nitty-gritty of wherever you choose to go, eh?

    Thanks for dropping by my ambitious baby blog and your sunshiny words of encouragement!


    • I’m not much of a writer so please forgive me if I might not be able to fully relay the thrills of my adventures on my blog posts. I was a (lot) more of a rider than a writer after all. I promise I’ll do best. Cheers!

  4. liz camungol says:

    hi! we are scheduled in Legaspi this coming July and we want to include the Cagraray island to our itenerary, sadly i can’t find someone who can tour us around without getting the day tour of Missibis. reading your blog gave me hope that it is possible. if it’s not too much to ask, do you know someone or a tour company who can give us a tour around the island? thank you so much in advance for your help.

    • I don’t see any way you are getting a day tour in Misibis except through them. It’s their resort after all. You can rent a van to see the Cagraray Ecopark and enjoy the scenery along the way. If you really want to enter the premises of Misibis Resort, according to the guard at the gate I spoke with, you have to pay P1000/head entrance fee. I hope you have a blast in Legazpi!

  5. azizyhoree says:

    hello mr riderako ! . nice to meet your blog , thanks to visit my blog

    nice riding report from you , sometimes I will and interest to riding motorbike in other countries, for example to philipines or malaysia: D, I do not know, when I have the chance to make it happen 🙄

    cheers from Indonesia —

  6. I just want to tell you how awesome you are for what you’re doing. Very inspiring and interesting blog! Ride safe though.

  7. Uncle Spike says:

    So you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    As a biker for 30 years, I can fully appreciate your take on life 🙂

    Have a great old day…


  8. Rajen says:

    Hello doms!! Glad to find this blog:) i want to have a discussion regarding the loop. Please find me at jenar17@yahoo.com… Waiting for ya.


  9. ren says:

    doms… yipee… musta na kaw? ganda ng blog moi…

  10. Very Cool! Like what you are doing:)

  11. rhence says:

    i like your blog and your adventure…have a safe ride

  12. roydendawal says:

    My friend and i were planning to travel from manila to Batac, Ilocos Norte. we have our individual bikes, Honda wave 100 and CB110 (mine). Any tips or advice in terms of preparations? also while riding, is there any road hazards and safety measures we have take note or watch out for? (its our first time going up north)

    can you also tell the travel time? (including stop overs and refuel)

    Thanks in advance. 🙂

    btw, i read your North luzon loop adventure. nice one sir. Thumbs up!!!!

    • Hey Roy, I suggest you take a shorter 300-km ride with your buddy to get a feel of a long ride. Just prep your bike especially the tires, electrical wiring, brakes, and have it serviced by a trusted mechanic. You can only prepare for so much though so pack a lot of common sense, pray and trust your gut 😉 Enjoy the ride!

  13. maviconde says:

    Hi! I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. Love your blog and your knack for writing, and others should know about it. Check out the details here: http://wp.me/p2t6RI-1Ep

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